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Speak loudly at ballot box

Letter to the Editor
Sunday, October 21, 2018


We can talk all day to candidates at meet and greet forums and debates. You can have all the political signs in your yards but at the voting booth is where we send the real message of who the citizens of San Marcos will choose to best represent our city, county and state.

I appreciate our local Daily Record newspaper running the campaign finance reports because it’s these open records reports that are telling me just who is bringing the candidate to the dance (so to speak).

I’m not vilifying accepting campaign funds from developers and PACs. It’s not illegal or immoral although it might require you to abstain from voting on an agenda item.

Please speak loudly and clearly when you vote. Is it true? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it build goodwill and better friendships? Will it benefit all concerned? Is it a good standard?

Sara Lee Underwood Voter, BISM (to be buried in San Marcos) Concerned citizen

San Marcos Record

(512) 392-2458
P.O. Box 1109, San Marcos, TX 78666