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More active older adults are likely to have healthier levels of heart and vessel disease markers, according to a study in the Journal of the American Heart Association. Photo courtesy of the American Heart Association

Sitting too much may raise heart disease risk

Adults in their early 60s, who spend less time sitting and more time engaged in light to vigorous physical activity, benefit with healthier levels of heart and vessel disease markers, according to

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Kevin Carolan (center) plays the jovial mayor of Gander, Newfoundland in "Come from Away." Photos by Matthew Murphy

Bass Concert Hall presents 'Come From Away'

Everyone who was alive at the time has their own story related to the moment when our world changed. Everyone recalls stumbling through the stages of grief, from shock to anger, to dismissal and disbelief, and finally, to acceptance. Planes had crashed into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on Sept. 11, 2001, and we all remember with detailed clarity exactly how that moment felt.

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An exhibit at the Calaboose African American History Museum honoring veterans of color. Daily Record file photo by Denise Cathey

Black History Month

The Dunbar Heritage Association and Calaboose African American History Museum have produced a series of events this February, during Black History Month, that will highlight the cultural and histor


San Marcos Record

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