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The Price Center has begun offering virtual programs via its social media channels and website, including a virtual art show, "Art in the Time of COVID: Creativity Knows No Bounds." Above is a piece entitled "Ray of Hope" by artist Carol Surer, that is featured in the virtual art show. Photos courtesy of the Price Center

'Art in the Time of COVID'

As a re-opening date for the downtown community center remains unclear, the Price Center has begun providing a virtual connection via its social media channels, website, and emails. 

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The San Marcos Art League is finding new ways to support arts in the community and artists during the COVID-19 pandemic, including making the San Marcos Art Center's gallery available for purchase online. Above, "Out of the Wilderness" an acrylic on canvas by artist Jan Pomeroy. Photos courtesy of the San Marcos Art League

San Marcos Art League keeping the arts alive

The pandemic has been, for many, a time to delve into and immerse themselves in the arts they love — whether it be music, film, painting, knitting or photography. But for many working artists, the pandemic has meant a loss of markets, venues and income avenues they depend on for their livelihoods.

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Nurses are on the frontlines during the coronavirus pandemic, serving their communities with compassion and care, often at significant risk to their own health. Photo courtesy of Getty Images

How to help nurses during the coronavirus pandemic

America's nurses are on the front lines of the fight against coronavirus, providing safe, quality, compassionate and nondiscriminatory care to those they serve, many of whom are doing so at signifi


San Marcos Record

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