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The temperatures in the 80s bring families and students out to the San Marcos River by the dozens including at Swell Park. Winter may not be over completely but spring is making a good show at coming early.
Daily Record photo by Gerald Castillo



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Dear Abby

Stepmother feels slighted by teen’s birthday episode

DEAR ABBY: I am a first-generation Mexican American who married into a Caucasian blended family. My husband, my stepdaughter, “Lisa,” and her mother and stepfather make up a beautiful unit. I have no children. Although my family initially ruffled at my interracial marriage, they got with the program – so much so that we invited Lisa to partake in a coming-of-age rite, the quinceanera. We were excited to update and modify it as much as possible so all sets of parents, grandparents and other family could be involved.

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The inaugural OUTlaw Pride Fest, an LGBTQ+ country music festival with shows, panel discussions and live music performances debuted in three locations, including Zelick’s, The Porch and The Davenport. The series of shows, live music performances and panel discussions was Feb. 17-19.
OUTlaw Pride Fest said it will donate sales from raffle tickets, drink specials, silent auctions and selling merchandise to benefit the Bobcat Pride Scholarship Fund and Equality Texas. Above, Nick Lutton offers a toast to Sunday’s “A Brunch of Drag” performers Maxine LaQueene, Amy Graves, the show’s host, Eileen Dover and Madonnathon. Right, Davenport employee River assists customers in the vintage western wear pop-up shop, one of the mobile marketplaces that was part of OUTlaw Pride Fest.
Daily Record photos by Celeste Cook

First OUTlaw Pride Fest celebrate diversity

First OUTlaw Pride Fest celebrate diversity

Education savings accounts, Voucher-like program championed by Abbott

Gov. Greg Abbott has made 'school choice' one of his highest priorities this year, highlighting it in his State of the State address and throwing his weight behind education savings accounts, which would allow parents to opt out of their local school districts and receive state money to school their children directly.


San Marcos Record

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